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Another councillor resigns plus answers to my quiz on Hughenden Parish Council

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Facebook Linda Derrick for Ridgeway East

23 October 2023

Debra Main resigned from HPC on 19 October. She had been a parish councillor for Great Kingshill since the Council became quorate in March 2022.

At the July Full Council meeting, Council agreed that the Finance Committee (which Ms Main chaired) would meet today. However, someone apparently changed the date of the meeting to 31 October. Under HPC’s Standing Orders, only Council can agree the time and dates of scheduled meetings. So, any scheduled meeting of the Finance Committee before 21 November (when Council next meets) cannot comply with HPC’s Standing Orders.

There are now only 3 members of the Finance Committee. Its quorum is three. So, if it meets, it may be inquorate.

I have suggested a solution to the problem and will wait to see what happens.

Meanwhile, the answers to the quiz I set in my last blog are below in red. No-one got the answers right; but then, it is impossible to find the answers from information provided by HPC.

1. a) What are HPC’s priorities for 2023/4?

b) What are its objectives?

c) Is HPC meeting its objectives?

HPC hasn’t got any priorities or objectives.

2. The last Full Council meeting took place on 19 September, nearly 5 weeks ago.

a) What was this meeting all about?

In terms of decisions and time taken, the meeting was all about Cockpit Hole in Great Kingshill and playgrounds.

b) How much money did the Council authorise on agenda items?

The list of payments authorised came to about £16k. The list of payments retrospectively authorised (which did not comply with HPC’s Financial Regulations) was about £20k. Neither of the lists are on HPC’s website. The expenditure approved by Council for Cockpit Hole was not specified.

c) What was the outcome of the meeting?

Not a lot. The really critical issue – HPC’s staffing problem – was not discussed.

3. a) What is HPC’s budget for 2023/4 in terms of planned income and expenditure?

Planned income £255k; planned expenditure £331.

b) How is HPC progressing against its budget?

I’m not sure. At end August 2023, actual income exceeded planned income; expenditure on direct costs was roughly on target, actual expenditure on overheads exceeded budget and actual expenditure on projects was well short of budget.

I have no idea what the overall picture was. None of this information is on HPC’s website.

c) How much does HPC have in the bank?

About £500k at the end of August.

d) How much does HPC propose to tax you next year?

No idea – Council hasn’t even discussed progress against its budget.

4. a) How many people work for HPC?

I think the answer is 2 part-time permanent employees and 2 part-time locums.

b) What are their names and what do they do?

Marilyn Heybourn, Burials & Allotments Administrator; Sue Pearce- Wood, Garden of Rest Assistant; Louise Steele, a locum Clerk who provides in person support for Full Council Meetings until January 2024; and Philip Truppin, a locum Clerk.

c) In particular, who is HPC’s Clerk?

I think this is Philip Truppin.

d) Who is HPC’s Responsible Financial Officer (a statutory post)?

This is a matter of debate.

5. The Extraordinary Council meeting on 26 September considered additional sanctions proposed by Cllr Main to be imposed on me. The proposed sanctions would have been unlawful.

Council resolved to ask me to remove the now ex-Clerk’s name from all my blogs and not to use the names of councillors or other officers in my blogs. Council has not implemented this resolution.

a) When did I name the ex-Clerk in my blogs - and what did I say?

I named the ex-Clerk three times in my blogs: -

(i) On 2 April 2023 when I said “Hughenden Parish Council appointed a new permanent Clerk at its Extraordinary meeting on 21 March. Her name is Alice Razmilic – Fisher. Welcome Alice.”.

(ii) On 19 April 2023 when I said “The new permanent Clerk, Alice Fisher, was able to attend which was good. She starts on 1 May”.

(iii) On 20 May when I said “Council appointed Alice Fisher as Proper Officer. Welcome Alice again”. (There was some uncertainty as to whether Ms Fisher had been properly appointed in March).

b) When did I name a councillor in my blogs - and what did I say?

Over the last 18 months, up to the date when Ms Main proposed the unlawful sanctions, I had named councillors about 30-40 times in my blogs. On average, that’s less than one per blog.

All of these mentions have been factual e.g. reporting when councillors were co-opted or appointed as Chair or members of committees or, on one occasion when no-one had access to HPC’s website, setting out who was councillor in each ward.

Three mentions were votes of thanks I proposed to Cllr Jones and Ms Main at Council, and one was to Ms Main thanking her for her hard work.

c) Why does Council think I shouldn’t use names when I report what people say at public Council meetings?

No idea.

Anyone is entitled to report what people say at a public meeting. The Bucks Free Press for example quoted councillors by name when it reported on one of HPC’s meetings. Indeed, anyone is entitled to record a Council meeting and put the recording on social media. Bucks Council of course puts most of its meetings live on its website.

d) Does anyone know what have I done to warrant the personal and damaging statement made by the Council?

Apparently, no-one knows. It’s a mystery.

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